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Assembly accessories

Assembly VW Golf 1 intermediate insulation mat
Assembly VW Golf 1 intermediate insulation mat
Assembly of intermediate insulation mat, soft top assembly or soft top replacement are designations for assembly work on your Golf 1 soft top... Assembly Golf 1 insulating matIf you wish, our competent soft top specialists will replace your Golf 1 intermediate insulation at a fair price when fitting the soft top to your vehicle.We will be happy to tell you the price for the Golf 1 insulation mat installation, the location and other options.A professional Golf 1 soft top installation with us is really inexpensive when you consider the relationship between performance and price.There are certainly cheaper ones, but pay attention to the overall performance.Ask for...Self-assemblyA popular alternative is to install your Golf 1 intermediate insulation mat yourself with the help of ourfree installation hotline.Ask for...

Assembly VW Golf 3 intermediate insulation mat
Assembly VW Golf 3 intermediate insulation mat
Assembly of intermediate insulation mat, soft top assembly or soft top replacement are designations for assembly work on your Golf 3 soft top... Fitting Golf 3 insulation matIf you wish, our competent soft top specialists will replace your Golf 3 intermediate insulation at a fair price when fitting the soft top to your vehicle.We will be happy to tell you the price for the Golf 3 insulation mat installation, the location and other options.A professional Golf 3 soft top installation with us is really inexpensive when you consider the relationship between performance and price.There are certainly cheaper ones, but pay attention to the overall performance.Ask for...Self-assemblyA popular alternative is to install your Golf 3 intermediate insulation mat yourself with the help of ourfree installation hotline.Ask for...

Assembly VW Golf 4 intermediate insulation mat
Assembly VW Golf 4 intermediate insulation mat
Assembly of intermediate insulation mat, soft top assembly or soft top replacement are designations for assembly work on your Golf 4 soft top... Fitting Golf 4 insulation matIf you wish, our competent soft top specialists will replace your Golf 4 intermediate insulation at a fair price when fitting the soft top to your vehicle.We will be happy to tell you the price for the Golf 4 insulation mat installation, the location and other options.A professional Golf 4 soft top installation with us is really inexpensive when you consider the relationship between performance and price.There are certainly cheaper ones, but pay attention to the overall performance.Ask for...Self-assemblyA popular alternative is to install your Golf 4 intermediate insulation mat yourself with the help of ourfree installation hotline.Ask for...

VW Golf 4 intermediate insulation mat
VW Golf 4 intermediate insulation mat - Optimum sound insulation for your vehicleThe intermediate insulation mat sits between the soft top and the headlining. It insulates the soft top and contributes to the typical shape of the Golf 4 soft top's upper sihouette.Quality:You can obtain your new intermediate insulation mat for your Golf 4 from us in high quality.This insulating mat is made of high-quality diolen fibre, as is now common in the automotive sector. The original mat is made of rubberised coconut fibre. This is significantly more expensive but no better.The thermofixing of the fibres in the diolen wadding ensures excellent resilience. This ensures long-lasting moulding.Processing:The diolen fibre mat is wrapped with the ready-stitched tensioning cloth, as with the original Golf 4 intermediate insulation. The upholstery mat can be fixed in the vehicle through the cover. Scope of delivery:Zwipe insulating mat incl. tensioning cloth for Golf 4

MB107 - Dichtung bds. seitl. für Verdeck

MB107 - Dichtung Set 6 teilig

Mazda MX-5 Tensioning cables
Spannseile Seiten MX-5 NA
Dieses Spannseil ist aus rostfreiem Drahtseil erstellt.Es dient zum Spannen des Verdeckes an den Seiten über dem Fahrer- und Beifahrerfenster.2 Spannseile im Satz, incl. Nieten !!!Das Spannseil NA / Spannseil NB ist fertig für die Verarbeitung an ihrem MX5 NB oder MX5 NAOriginal nicht erhältlich.Manchmal sieht man nach dem Abbau des alten Verdecks, dass das Spannseil / Drahtseil sehr abgenutzt oder angerostet ist. In diesen Fällen ist es ratsam dieses Drahtseil zu ersetzen.

Mazda MX-5 Tensioning cables
Spannseile Seiten MX-5 NB
Dieses Spannseil ist aus rostfreiem Drahtseil erstellt.Es dient zum Spannen des Verdeckes an den Seiten über dem Fahrer- und Beifahrerfenster.2 Spannseile im Satz, incl. Nieten !!!Das Spannseil NA / Spannseil NB ist fertig für die Verarbeitung an ihrem MX5 NB oder MX5 NAOriginal nicht erhältlich.Manchmal sieht man nach dem Abbau des alten Verdecks, dass das Spannseil / Drahtseil sehr abgenutzt oder angerostet ist. In diesen Fällen ist es ratsam dieses Drahtseil zu ersetzen.

MX5 water drain
Mazda MX5 water channel
Mazda MX5 water channel, MX5 rain gutterfor precautionary replacement during assemblyFunction of the Mazda Mx5 rain gutterThis MX 5 rain gutter, also called the MX5 water channel, collects rainwater or water from washing the vehicle and channels it to the water drains inside the vehicle to the right and left of the seats.InstallationThe MX 5 water channel is placed on the mounting bolts at the rear. It consists of two halves, which are welded to the water channel at the bottom.The soft top hem is inserted between these two halves. The soft top is then screwed to the MX 5 water channel using the mounting plates already present on the vehicle.When should it be replaced?Over the course of your Mazda MX-5's service life, a number of substances contained in rainwater or washer fluid collect in the MX5 water channel.These substances can possibly alter the stability of the plastic of the MX5 water channel.The effect of humidity, which affects many surfaces, should not be neglected either. This MX5 rain gutter is usually wet on the inside. The general aging of this Mazda MX 5 rain gutter does the rest.When installing the MX5 convertible top, you should check this rain gutter carefully for cracks, weak spots and damage.If you change the Mazda MX 5 convertible top or have it changed, it is no extra effort to install this new rain gutter instead of the old Mazda MX5 rain gutter.By installing this new MX5 water gutter, you will be dry for many years to come.By the way, when you change the roof, you don't rivet the MX5 rain gutter to the roof hem, you just put the roof hem between the two halves of the rain gutter.

Sika Lastomer 710
Sealing compoundt Sika Lastomer -710
Sealing compound Sika Lastomer -710 can be dabbed onThe sealing compound is well suited for resealing various sealsSika Lastomer can be easily removed again if necessaryThe sealing compound is easy to processSika Lastomer adheres to almost all surfacesCan be ordered in black  cartridge 310ml

Sika Flex 221
Sealing compound Sika-Flex -221
Sikaflex -221 permanently elastic sealantSikaflex 221 is suitable for an elastic and durable sealThe sealant adheres to many surfacescan be sanded and recoatedAvailable in black or white310ml cartridge

Tensioning straps BMW E36
Tensioning straps for all E 36 convertible topsThe tensioning straps for BMW E36 convertible tops run between the convertible top and the headliner.The tensioning straps are stretched from the front bow to the rear bow.Two tensioning straps are used per convertible top. (1 set = 2 pieces).The rubber bands on the tensioning straps slacken after a few years and should be replaced when the roof is changed.For the convertible version of the roof with electric drive, these tensioning straps must be replaced on your BMW E36.Only by replacing the tensioning straps is the necessary folding function when opening the new roof ensured.ProductionWe manufacture the tensioning straps for E36 in-house.Thanks to high-quality materials that were already used in the original BMW tensioning straps, we can offer you good quality at a fair price.

Ford Escort Wire rope
Tensioning cable for rear window, Ford Escort 1 ALF
Rear tensioning cable made of galvanized steel cable for Escort 1.The threaded ends correspond to the Escort 1 tensioning cable, these are provided with a 5mm wrench flat.The tensioning cable is ready for installation on your Ford Escort.Sometimes, after removing the old soft top, you can see that the wire cable is very worn or rusted. In these cases, it is advisable to replace this wire cable.

VW Golf 1 tensioning cable
Tensioning cables, rear, VW Golf 1
Tensioning cable Golf 1, Golf 1 wire cable, rear tensioning cable Golf 1are synonyms for the same article.What is meant is the rear tensioning cable that tensions the convertible top at the rear to the body.This rear cable is designed with a hose cover and threaded ends in the middle section, corresponding to the Golf tensioning cable.The tensioning cable is ready to install.Sometimes, after dismantling the old convertible top, you can see that the tensioning cable / wire cable is very worn or rusted. In these cases, it is advisable to replace this wire cable.You can find side wire ropes as an additional item

VW Golf 1 Wire rope
Tensioning cables, sides, VW Golf 1
Side tensioning cables for the soft top sides made of V2A stainless steel for Golf 1.The tensioning cable is ready for installation on your Golf.Sometimes, after removing the old soft top, you can see that the tensioning cable / wire cable is very worn or rusted. In these cases, it is advisable to replace this wire cable.You can find rear wire ropes as an additional item.

VW Golf 3 Wire rope
Tensioning cables for the sides of a VW Golf 3
Side tensioning cables for the convertible top sides made of V2A stainless steel for Golf 3.The tensioning cable is ready for installation on your Golf. Sometimes, after removing the old convertible top, you can see that the tensioning cable / wire cable is very worn or rusted. In these cases, it is advisable to replace this wire cable. The wire cable is made like the original.

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